Facilitated Process

Your organization is the expert on what they do. Therefore, we coach you to identify the questions that you’d like to have answered, and the best way to answer them.

Multiple Levels of Support

Level 1. Grant Writing Support

We will search for grants for your organizations and collaboratively write an application to help your organization access funding.

Level 2. Logic Model Development and Intro to Strategic Planning

We will meet with your board and facilitate the development/refinement of a visual representation of your program (i.e., logic model); and organizational mission and vision statements; and values

Level 3. External Monitoring/Evaluation

We will see what is working well for your organization and what can be improved. This may be a requirement to maintain funding or to be reflective on program delivery.

Level 4. Capacity-Building for Your Organization

Your organization will learn about monitoring/evaluation through a series of workshops where we collaboratively identify what we want to learn about your program and how best to collect, analyze, and report the answers.